““We are made up of diverse members working together with one voice. Together, we are powerful. Amongst us there is not an individual standing tall - we are a collective, strengthening each other through collective power and action. Together we are growing a feminist humanitarian ecosystem.””
Strategic Committees
All major decisions are made collectively by members of the FHN. Our work is driven by our four Strategic Committees, each working to implement the Network’s strategy. Collective leadership through our Strategic Committees ensures diverse voices contribute to the Network’s strategic direction, that decision-making is inclusive and leaves no one behind, and that the FHN does not reproduce the patriarchal, exclusive decision-making processes so prevalent in the INGO/Humanitarian space.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee has overall oversight of the Network and is appointed by our membership. Our Steering Committee is comprised of Feminist Humanitarian Network members, and reflects the 70/30 ratio of grassroots and national organisations in the Global South to international NGOs, federations and organisations headquartered in the Global North, that our Network is committed to upholding.
The FHN Secretariat
The FHN Secretariat team supports the implementation of the FHN’s strategic workplans; coordinating day-to-day activities on fundraising, events, communications and advocacy.